Jillian and Scott got married at Wedderburn Barns in Duns (in the Scottish Borders). It’s an unusual venue a bit off the beaten track, but well worth bearing in mind if you’re looking for something out of the ordinary. I met Jillian and Scott a couple of times before the wedding, which was really useful in terms of getting a feel for the more unpredictable kinds of music and tunes that would work for them, such as Run The World (Girls), and Sunshine on Leith. I’m actually always surprised by the number of people who never speak to me or meet me in person before the big day. It’s a compliment I suppose, I must avoid coming across like a loony in emails.
Jillian and Scott wanted something a bit different for their final song. I’ve written before on our Insta about how picking the final songs to close out a wedding can be really tricky. I get asked to advise on this a lot. Happy couples don’t always want to end on the traditional Loch Lomond, but alternative choices can prove pretty controversial with guests. The party can suddenly stop and people don’t expect it. They’re looking forward to circling the happy couple, shouting at them, and chucking the groom in the air to see if they can break his arm before his honeymoon. I’ve had best men try to bribe me to play Loch Lomond, and bridesmaids feel so cheated that they have tried to punch me. Fun!
What Jillian and Scott decided on for an appropriately epic conclusion was a Daft Punk and Prince mash up. This was a nice challenge. There’s actually a Daft Punk remix of Kiss, but it’s far from their best work. So I messed about with a few other Daft Punk and Prince things on the night. Firstly, I mixed Digital Love into When Doves Cry – the electric guitars on both songs really helped. In fact, given the similarity in guitars, synthesisers and BPM, I wouldn’t be amazed if Digital Love arose from the Daft Punk robot dudes jamming When Doves Cry. At the end of the night I then mixed Around The World into 1999, and then 1999 into One More Time. It’s not absolutely perfect, but it’s pretty euphoric stuff, and I was able to get away with it.
Jillian gave me a really kind and generous review which said “John D. created the perfect party for us, and even mixed a perfect final dance song for us at our request“.
Finally I’d like to note how stylish Scott looked in his kilt (Jillian – of course you looked great too). If you are a groom and you’re unsure about taking that tricky kilt challenge, check out how smart it can potentially look.
The photos are by the ever-excellent Lisa Devine Photography.